HCM Solutions Feedback

Hello! I am leading up a project for our company to select a new HCM vendor for our corporate office and close to 90 convenience stores. We have narrowed the field to:

ADP Workforce Now


Ceridian Dayforce

I would love to hear feedback from anyone who currently uses these systems. Anything will be better than our current situation (multiple fragmented systems and still too many manual processes) but it is a difficult decision when we have three strong players and lack the experience with an all-in-one system like this!  We are looking at Recruiting, HR, Payroll, Time and Attendance as the main components so would love to hear any wins or any pain points on these areas or with customer service/tech support.

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  • How is the project going?  I just joined this group.  I work for a Northern Kentucky payroll provider that provides HCM implementations with all the functionality you mentioned with UKG Workforce Ready platform.  This platform is from the Kronos side of UKG.  Our model provides a more local dedicated service team model on software training for HR and Time keeping so think smaller company software implementer, but our model also includes reliable  local service folks from Payroll Partners  that can fix all the normal payroll and tax filing issues that come up with payrolls  in this part of the country.  That means confidence emails get answered and no hot lines or chat bots. If there is till time to get into your bidding process let me know.  Thanks. 

      • Meredith Goodin
      • Human Resources Generalist
      • Meredith_Goodin
      • 2 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      Matt Flynn  Hi Matt! We are in the final negotiations on pricing and contracts with UKG right now and hope to have something signed within the next week or two. I appreciate you taking the time to check though!

    • Cathleen
    • Cathleen
    • 2 yrs ago
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    Hello Meredith,

    I hope your pricing and contracts with UKG went well. Reaching out if you will need help in the process with implementation or future managed support. We are a UKG preferred vendor partner and have served many retail clients, and happy to help your team. https://hrchitect.com/ You can also check us out on Raven Intelligence: https://ravenintel.com/ Good luck. Cathleen

    • Alysa Southall
    • Your HR, Hiring and Job Search Partner
    • AlysaSouthall
    • 2 yrs ago
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    I haven't used the other two, but I have used ADP. The major complaint I had with them was regarding the customer/client support team and feeling like we weren't getting the support we needed.

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