Employee Evaluations

I work for a state university as the HR person for a department. I report to the department, but work closely with the central HR office to implement policies, hire, employee relations, etc.

Last year, they changed the evaluation system. The state provided little guidance in implementation so I worked with the central HR office to implement the new process in my department. Recently, they (central HR) made some changes to how we should handle employees who transfer during the year -- who is responsible for the final evaluation, dates for responsibility, etc.

I'd like to know what others do regarding employees who transfer during the year.

  • What is your cut off for the new supervisor is responsible vs the old supervisor?
  • Which job are they evaluated on?
  • Does your evaluation focus on the past year or on what needs to be done in the coming year?

Does anyone completely forgo an evaluation for someone who transfers? If so, what dates do you use. I have recently been told that one of my employees who was promoted into a new position on December 22 does not need an evaluation, at all, for 2016. I very much disagree with this, but want to see what others say/do before charging up this hill.

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  • Hi, Wendy. I work for a smaller (less than 500 employee) company and we look at each change of position individually at annual review time. Usually the new manager completes the evaluation if the employee has worked in the new role most of the year. I have asked the former manager to complete the evaluation if the person was in the former position for the majority of the year too. We also suggest that the new manager forward the review to the previous manager for feedback and can do that within our performance management system. Many of our promotions are within the same job group, so the feedback would be valuable in these situations. But if the job is completely different, the feedback or goals may not be applicable to the new position.  I would not require an annual evaluation to be completed by the previous manager for 2016 for someone who recently changed positions unless the position is very similar or maybe in the same department.  Again, case by case.

    Like 1
    • Janelle Rodriguez
    • HR Enthusiast | Mentor | Avid Learner
    • Janelle_Rodriguez
    • 8 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    My employer does something similar. It's customary that if an employee transfers, that the managers will consult w/each other to gather information but the manager that the employee is now assigned to is the one who completes the final review and records it in the designated system.

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  • 8 yrs agoLast active
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