Student Loan Debt Assistance
Is anyone offering student loan debt assistance as part of your overall benefits package? We currently offer Educational Assistance however we are thinking of expanding this to cover student debt that an associate would have for educational expenses accrued prior to joining our team. I'd love to hear more from others if you currently have a program like this. Thanks!
Chase Batt let's connect next week. Email me at Michele. and we can exchange numbers. I'll be in the office after Tuesday. Thanks!
We are considering a student loan debt repayment plan and I'd be interested in talking with anyone who either has one or is thinking about one.
We just had a planning meeting and this topic came up as well... I would also like to discuss what others are thinking and the best way to start it...
I would be interested in this topic as well as it is something I have been looking at for our company over the past year. I would appreciate being part of the conversation.
My company is waiting on H.R. 1043 to move.
We explored something similar to the Abbott Labs private ruling ( but ultimately decided to wait for legislation linked to tuition assistance.
PeopleJoy is a company we demo'd with to get an understanding of the 401k type plan. They might be able to provide some educational resources for those interested.