Survey Request for HR people in HR Departments of One and/or HR Small Shops

(Received this post from Donna Rogers and Dave Ryan. It's very cool !! Make sure you participate. Thanks - Steve)

Hello to our Human Resources colleagues !!

Dave Ryan (@DavetheHRCzar on Twitter) and Donna Rogers (@HRWarrior on Twitter) are working on a project and are looking to crowd source some data about Small Shop HR (SSHR), or an HR Departments of One (HRDO1).

 Here is the ask, if you have ever worked in #SSHR or #HRD01 we have a brief 6 question form that we would like you to fill out for us and our project.  This will not take more than a few moments of your time. We promise!

Thanks in advance for your help.   – Donna & Dave

Here is the link for the Survey:

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  • Thanks Steve for posting this! Thanks to all those who have already responded to the survey!

    For Everyone else this survey is still active.  We have about 80 responses and are looking for at least 20 more.  Please consider taking this quick survey if you are or have ever been an HR Department of 1! Thank you in advance!

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  • 6 yrs agoLast active
  • 1Replies
  • 457Views
  • 2 Following