GETDOT Cincy - Thursday Nov 16th 5:30 - 7:00 PM

A Good Excuse To Donate On Thursday

Every month GETDOT Cincinnati gets together to provide a place for people to meet with a cause in mind.

GETDOT Cincinnati will be featuring Focus on Youth on Thursday, November 16th. Come on by, network and help make a difference!

Focus on Youth's mission is to improve the lives of children by providing strengths-based foster
care, adoption, and mental health services that promote permanency, safety, and well-being of youth.
We serve children and families that have been impacted by abuse and neglect, and/or who are in need
of mental health services.

The admission to attend is a donation to Focus on Youth. In return, you are given door prize ticket(s) for a chance to win one of the donated door prizes. Every penny raised will go towards Focus on Youth.

First-time guests receive an extra raffle ticket when they purchase raffle tickets, bring a door prize and an additional raffle ticket for every first-time guest you bring.

GETDOT welcomes anyone at any level and in all professions.

To register go to our website www

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