Greater Cincinnati Compensation & Benefits Association - Health Care Benefit Trends Program; Tuesday, June 2, 2016

Good morning everyone!  I'd like to extend a personal invitation to all HR and Total Rewards Practitioners to attend the GCCBA's 2nd Program for 2016! 

As employers continue looking for ways to slow health care cost increases, many are turning to trendsetting ideas for cost control and to better manage population health.  Please join us on June 2 as our two speakers, Joe Harten from Mercer and Matt Cook from Omada Health, share more on these issues.

Our presentation starts with selected highlights from Mercer’s 2015 Annual Survey of Employer-Sponsored Health Plans. You’ll hear about health plan cost increases for 2015, how employers are slowing that growth and tactics to better manage population health — such as telemedicine, transparency tools and new technology solutions.

In addition to learning about insights from Mercer’s Survey, we will also share information on the explosion of new digital solutions entering the market.  You will learn about the overall landscape of technology, behavioral economics, mobile applications and social networking.  Along with hearing more about the general framework of this new frontier, we will also hear about a best-in-class point solution from Omada in the digital therapeutics space.

This program has been submitted for HRCI recertification credit.

Our Speakers

Matt Cook is the Director of Account Management at Omada Health, and has been with the company for 2 years. Matt leads Omada’s accounts team, which focuses across a number of verticals, working with self-insured enterprise clients, commercial health plans and systems, and Medicare and Medicaid plans to bring the Prevent program to employees and members.  Prior to Omada, Matt was with Mercer’s Health & Benefits Consulting practice in San Francisco. While at Mercer, Matt focused on digital health innovation and most recently worked in corporate strategy, helping to develop Mercer’s private exchange strategy.

Joe Harten is a Principal and the Health & Benefits Market Practice Leader for Mercer’s Cincinnati office.  He has nearly thirty years of experience in health and welfare benefit consulting.  Prior to joining Mercer, Joe served as a senior consultant with Towers Watson and led Deloitte’s Human Capital practice in the Ohio Valley. Joe consults with clients in the public and private sector regarding their human resource and employee benefit programs. A frequent speaker on employee benefit topics, Joe holds the CEBS designation and has served in leadership positions for the Twin Cities, Detroit, and Cincinnati/Dayton Chapters of the ISCEBS.

Program Details:

When:              Thursday, June 2, 2016

Where:             Marriott Kingsgate Conference Center
                          University of Cincinnati
                          151 Goodman Drive
                          Cincinnati, OH 45219

Time:                7:30 a.m. - 8:15 a.m.      Networking, Registration, & Breakfast
                          8:15 a.m. - 8:30 a.m.      Welcome and Announcements
                          8:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.    Program 

Cost:                GCCBA Member w/ programs    No cost
                         GCCBA Member w/o programs $35
                         GCCBA Student Member:           $10
                         Full-Time Student                         $25
                         Non-member                                 $60

For additional information and to register please go to

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