Recommended HSA Vendors

We are currently looking for a new HSA vendor and are hoping to get some recommendations. A few things we are looking for in a new vendor are ease of administration and responsive representatives, user-friendly for employees, and minimal or no fees.
If you have had a positive experience with your HSA vendor, please comment with who it is, how long you've had them, and why you switched ―it would be greatly appreciated!

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  • Hi Kerry,

    We have been using "HSA Bank" for at least 3 years now and are very happy with them.  We submit contributions online and of course, employees have online access as well.  We have had to contact them occasionally and their customer service reps are always  nice and helpful.  They do charge a monthly fee.  I believe it is $2.50 per month and then a paper statement fee too; however, that can be waived by the employee since they can access online.  Good luck!

  • Hi Kerry - if you're still looking for a great HSA vendor, I've experienced satisfaction and competitive rates for my clients from Discovery Benefits - They are open to integrate w/ any payroll/ben technology you utilize as well as can service other areas like FSA, Cobra & commuter. Let me know if you'd like a contact there. Thanks and best of luck! Aaron

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  • 7 yrs agoLast active
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