Common Pitfalls with Social Media in the Workplace

October 4, 2018

     Darlene Mack, MA, SPHR; CEO & Managing Partner, HR Partners International
    Jeff Shoskin, Partner, Frost Brown Todd; Labor and Employment Law Attorney

SHRM PDCs:  2.0
HRCI Credit:  2.0 General


Jeff Shoskin, a partner with Frost Brown Todd, will review the tricky area of Social Media in the Workplace.   From crafting a legal policy, to using social media as a hiring tool, employers must be cognizant of the inherent tug-of-war between employer needs and employee rights.

Join us on Oct 4th to learn about the latest workplace issues, case studies and strategies concerning Social Media – bring your questions!

11:00 - 11:15 Arrive and Register

11:15 - 1:00 Program - we start PROMPTLY at 11:15

3rd Floor Conference Center
3805 Edwards Road
Cincinnati, OH  45209

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