Internal Mobility Approach
(This came to me from an HR Director of a multi-location company - Steve)
We have been talking about promoting from within for years but we have never been consistent with it. Does anyone have an approach that works across levels and locations? I'd like to have a model to use as a template here so we start making this happen more regularly.
Thanks for sharing what you have.
Please feel free to reach out to me. I can help. Sheena Patton 513-238-6726 or sparton@huff.com.
(This came to me from fellow HR Netter - Elizabeth Derby)
One challenge I’ve found is that some managers want to “hoard” / keep their top talent. This requires a mindset shift and orgs. need to align the incentives differently (as you know).
I thought this post from Brian Heger might be helpful for the person requesting internal mobility insights.
Thanks - Elizabeth