Creative Names for Lunch & Learn Concept

Hi everyone,

We are creating a culture of learning at our trade association in Washington, DC. by implementing a Lunch & Learn concept. I have in three offices in different geographical locations (U.S. London, and Brussels) in three different time zones (EST, BST, CET).  Naming these as Lunch & Learn doesn't work since these need to be scheduled during office hours in all three locations. 

Have you used other creative names instead of Lunch & Learn? Would love to hear what creative names you have used instead of Lunch & Learn. 



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    • Leslie Mizerak
    • Executive & Confidence Coach
    • Leslie_Mizerak
    • 11 mths ago
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    I have not used any different names but these bounced into my head:

    • Snack Chat (a play on snapchat)
    • Brain Food
    • Come & Grow or Come & Grow with [company name]
    • Knowledge Nibbles
    • Food for Thought
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  • 11 mths agoLast active
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