Performance Review Process - Seeking Innovative, Meaningful & Creative Processes?

Our small healthcare technology company is looking to overall the performance review process from a traditional competency/goal format to one that is more meaningful for all.  Would anyone be willing to share their innovative, meaningful and creative processes/forms they've implemented? 

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  • Hi Linda! 

    I'm looking to revamp our performance management processes too.  I'm looking to move to a "continuous feedback" model and reduce the annual review process down to just a compensation review and increase.  I've found Armin Trost's book The End of Performance Appraisal to be very thought-provoking on the topic.  It's a very academic book but does have some practical examples of non-traditional approaches.  I've also found An Everyone Culture: Becoming a Deliberately Developmental Organization to be good.  It's a totally different approach - focusing on case studies of different organizational cultures that focus on talent development.


    I am still working to sketch out my approach but I'm thinking to train managers on how to have meaningful 1 on 1s that touch on performance, company values and EE development as well as feedback from the EE.  If we do that well, a formal annual review becomes irrelevant.  I'd love to chat with you or anyone else on this topic!

    • Grace Navera Hi Grace! Thank you so much for responding and for the book recommendations! I will certainly check those out!! I'd love to chat about this with you and any others interested. My email address is - maybe we could find a time within the next week or so to meet?

    • Grace Navera Hi Grace - just touching base to see if you'd like to set up a time to chat within the next couple of weeks? :) Linda

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