Seeking HR Internship Opportunities (for a UC Blue Ash student)

Good Afternoon HR community, 

My name is Sarah Grace McCollough and I work at UC Blue Ash in the Career Services office. I have been working with Ava Whitis, a current UC Blue Ash student, to help find an HR internship during the summer 2024 or fall 2024 semester. She is having a hard time with the job boards. Do any of you have any connections or ideas for HR internships? I would love to get her set up with a great summer and/or fall HR internship opportunity!

Quick Facts about Ava: 

  • 3.69 GPA!
  • Completed 3 years of college courses toward a Pre-Business Administration Associate Degree
  • Graduating in December 2024 with an associate degree
  • Honors Program, Dean's List, Cincinnatus Scholarship Recipient
  • Vast experience as a service desk associate at Home Depot (her people skills are amazing!)
  • Diverse talent used in many different extra-curricular opportunities including theatre, stage management, and production
  • Conversational in both English & Spanish
  • Ava's email:

If you have an opportunity, please email Ava directly.

Thanks for your support, 

Sarah Grace McCollough (she/her)

Assistant Director, Career Services

Blue Ash College

University of Cincinnati 

(513) 558-9405

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  • 4 mths agoLast active
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