Peeking Inside the Plaintiff Attorney Brain! - First Thursdays Meeting - 5/2/24

Ever wonder what goes on inside the mind of the Plaintiff's Attorney?  

Join us and take a peek!


A Peek Inside the Plaintiff Attorney's Playbook

  May 2nd  11:30 – 1:00;  Zoom Webinar;    SHRM/HRCI – 2 credits



 Darlene Mack, MA, SHRM-SCP, SPHR; CEO, HR Partners Int’l, Inc
 Jeff Shoskin, Partner, Frost Brown Todd; Labor and Employment Law Atty
 David Torchia, Tobias, Torchia, & Simon; Labor and Employment Law Atty


We are bringing back a very popular program! Jeff Shoskin Partner with Frost Brown Todd represents employers; Dave Torchia represents employees. They will lead a frank “give and take” discussion of common and repeated workplace missteps (would could be avoided!) that lead to costly settlements or verdicts.  You will be surprised to learn that Jeff and Dave agree on how to handle many workplace situations. Feel free to bring your hypothetical questions!


Register:;  Education / HR Legal Seminars / First Thursdays

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