HRTX: Hacking Tech - Hardcore Sourcing - 9/28/22 and 9/29/22
(This came to me from William Tincup. I thought it fit better in this category than in just Upcoming HR Events. It's going to be a great resource/event and I encourage you to check it out !! There's no cost to attend. - Steve)
Oh no, he didn't. Yes, I did. I programmed the most significant technical sourcing training event the world has ever seen. Ever. Like ever ever.
Fifty-four of the best sourcing trainers in the world. Each trainer will be training on one tip for 30 minutes. Each tip must be free for anyone in the world to use. And 14 technical positions will be the backdrop for each of these tips. I've listed the trainers and technical positions below. Suffice to say; you should register for the event.
All the sessions will be recorded, but the recordings post-event will only be accessible to people that registered for the event. Check out the full agenda and register for the event. As you look at the schedule, you might find yourself interested in the tip, the trainer, or the technical position used to offer tips. Whatever tickles your fancy.
These are your trainers:
Aaron Lintz, Adam Kovacs, Alla Pavlova, Amer Klopic, Balazs Paroczay, Blair Fambro, Bret Feig, Brian Fink, Carrie Collier, Chris Brady, Craig Fisher, Danielle Chandler, Dean Da Costa, Dena Davis, Debra Yarnall, Eric Jaquith, Erin Mathew, Florian Damian, Garick Chan, Gillisa Pope, Glenn Gutmacher, Greg Hawkes, Jay Tarimala, Jenna Aronow, Jer Langhans, Junius Currier, Karen Azulai, Katrina Collier, Keirsten Greggs, Kevin Walters, Kristin Hughes, Larry Anderson, Marc Hamel, Marvin Smith, Melissa Dobbins, Mikey Weil, Mike "Batman" Cohen, Mike Wolford, Michael Vroman, Natalie Khazai, Nathan Hill, Patrick Moran, Pete Radloff, Priti Sahu, Raj Singh, Rebecca Clarke, Sarah Goldberg, Shally Steckerl, Sophie Okonkwo, Steven Rawlings, Steve Levy, Stacy Zapar, Sue Viswanatha, Tiffany Ballve, Trish Wyderka, Vanessa Raath, and Vince Szymczak.
These are the technical positions: DevOps Engineer, Full Stack Developer, Data Security Engineer, Cloud Infrastructure Engineer, Blockchain Developer, Data Scientist, Machine Learning Engineer, Artificial Intelligence Engineer, Big Data Engineer, Sales Engineer, Internet of Things Solutions Architect, Java Developer, Mobile Application Developer, and UI/UX Developer
Please register and share this epic event with your entire talent acquisition network. After all, the event is free for practitioners. Call this continuing education if that helps ease the pain of taking two days off from work. Turns out, you need to learn new tips, and we've assembled a great cast of trainers and tips.
To register and have access to this event, go to our site at: