How to Obtain HRCI Credits

Hi Everyone,

I have no clue if this has been asked before. I was wondering if anyone knew how to get HRCI credits quickly and efficiently as possible? I would like to get as many as possible as fast as possible. If there's a way to earn these credits in a cost-free way, please let me know. 

Thank you!!!

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  • You might check with HRCI to see if LinkedIn Learning courses count towards HRCI credit (they do for SHRM). If so, you can access LinkedIn Learning for free with a library card and they are self-paced courses.  LinkedIn Learning Library access:

    • Jessie Kinney thank you so much! I just called HRCI and they do accept LinkedIn Learning courses as long as they are 30 mins and HR related! 

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  • 1 yr agoLast active
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