Two free videos: OSHA'S Return to Work Safety & Health Guidelines for Employers and Employees

Yes, as we get ready to bring employees back, you need to ask:
- Are you in compliance with OSHA’s Guidelines?
- Are you ready to train your employees in these OSHA Guidelines?
I have produced two new FREE 30 minute videos:
The Steering Through The Legal, Safety & Health Issues of COVID-19 is a 30 minute program designed to teach employers the various legal and other risks involved with bringing employees back to work and letting customers and visitors into your workplace.
The Returning To A SAFE Workplace In The Age of COVID is a 30 minute program designed for YOU AND ALL OF YOUR EMPLOYEES TO WATCH so EVERYONE will know how to remain in safe in your workplace, according to OSHA’S Guidelines.
These FREE programs combined are approved for 1 hour of SHRM and HRCI recertification credits.
To view these free videos, just go to my Home page at www.scottwarrick.com.
Please print of the pdf article and have it in front of you when you watch the podcast.
Let me know if you have any further questions at all.
Scott Warrick, HR Consulting & Employment Law Services scott@scottwarrick.com www.scottwarrick.com