Building culture with FTE and Temp Associates

We are a company that is growing rapidly.  Presently we have 45 FTE and over 100 temp associates in a production facility.  We have historically given a gift for life events for our FTE but not our Temp Associates.

In the spirit of building culture, we would like to have the option to give at our discretion to the temp associates.  I am concerned about this opening up an opportunity for the perception of favoritism and the potential damage being done if we aren't doing it for all. 

 Are there any best practices out there on this?  I am of the thought that we do it for only the FTE or for everyone, the C-suite wants to be able to pick and choose.   Really could use some advice here!

Thanks - Adrienne

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    • Yvonne Becker
    • Human Resources Director
    • Yvonne_Becker
    • 3 yrs ago
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    Hello Adrienne,

    Your questions is a very good one and one that we decided to address straight on.  We include our temps in everything company wide. We display Birthday lists each month and include them on the list even if we think they may leave us in the next month or so.  We invite temps and their families to our picnic and all social events. They are included in all of our training of course but you can never pick out who is a regular employee and who is a temp unless you are doing the payroll.  We have Thanksgiving catered in and they are included in the count.  I hope this helps.  

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