Strategies for Navigating High Drug Costs - Greater Cincinnati Employers Group on Health - 9/11/24

A PRESCRIPTION FOR SAVINGS: Strategies for Navigating High Drug Costs

We’d like to invite you to attend this free informational session on 9/11/24.

Prescription drugs are one of the fastest-growing components of healthcare costs. This session will help HR and benefits managers learn about federal initiatives aimed at controlling drug costs, including efforts to regulate PBMs and increase transparency across the pharmaceutical supply chain.

It will also address state-level strategies and resources for employers to control drug costs, ensuring that quality care remains affordable for their workforce.

You’ll hear from our speakers:

Shawn Gremminger, President & CEO, National Alliance of Healthcare Purchaser Coalitions

Gloria Sachdev, Pharm.D., President & CEO, Employers’ Forum of Indiana

When: Wednesday, 9/11/24



7:30 – 8:00 am – Registration and networking

8:00 – 8:20 am – Welcome from GCEGH

8:20 - 9:20 am – Panel Discussion

9:20 - 9:30 am – Q&A



Creatives On Call, 4420 Cooper Road, Suite 140, Cincinnati, Ohio


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