Free Weekly Online Mindfulness/Stress Reduction class
A free weekly ONLINE mindfulness stress reduction class facilitated by Mark Levine, licensed independent chemical dependency counselor and certified life coach.
Meets weekly online via Zoom Tuesday evenings from 6:30-7:00pm beginning April 7, 2020
FREE (Really)
No experience in mindfulness necessary. Some experience in stress may be helpful:-)
Here are some of the things we will discuss/learn
Skills and techniques to decrease stress and anxiety.
What is mindfulness and how to bring it into your life.
Meditation- what it is and isn’t . WE WILL MEDITATE!!
Get your brain to work for you, instead of against you.
The value of self-compassion (and what it is and isn’t)
The latest neuroscience and resources to help you become less stressed, happier and bring your mind to peace, even in the midst of life’s storms (or pandemics).
And probably more. I’m not going to put out an agenda. Each week I’ll prepare something that will build on the week before but not so much that you can’t join in at anytime. Suggestions welcome! Let’s learn and have fun and develop a community of mindful people, whether in the Cincinnati area or around the world.
You can register by following the link at the top of this post. You can share the FB event.