I conducted a staff analysis with forum focus groups. As an independent outsider, people were honest about issues such as “they imitate my accent - beer can (bacon)” “less eye contact is made with me in the meeting” etc.
This was brilliant data as we could then design scenarios based on real experiences. We tweaked them a little for anonymity purposes. I then wrote scripts, we brought in actors.
During the workshop we created a safe environment for learning. Shared that the examples were all from THEIR organisation (that made a big difference to other D&I programmes I’ve worked on).The actors played the scenarios (which some might have considered ok, as they were micro expressions). We then hold a discussion to bring that out. Next we ask the audience to collectively provide feedback (sometimes we have a volunteer to do it alone). This is where people are really tested about how they tackle it.
We have heard about people calling out much more poor behaviour but it tends to start with “have you been in that new D&I course?”...as a way to bring it up.
Happy to chat that through if it’s helpful.