Coffee Connect Virtual Networking Welcomes You! - 9/7/21

  • Rodney Chronister
  • Connector/Help Conveyor - Working to be a by-product of my service to others growth!
  • Rodney_Chronister
  • updated 3 yrs ago

Join us September 7th as we seek to recap the month of lessons as well share the actions some of us have taken to implement some of the strategies into our journey.

Three Amazing Topics this month with some Awesome presenters. From Michael Parise speaking on how to beat the negative thoughts of failure and turn them into Success. Then Ryan Kassner led us in a session Overcoming Objections and understanding the criticalness of asking good questions, and then winding down the month Lamar Ratcliffe highlighted us on Accountability Partners and why / how they can make a difference.

Register Here and Register Now!!!

Coffee Connect is a Networking Group for individuals from all walks of life such as Business Professionals, individuals in transition, and stay at home moms and dads. Started to provide a forum where people could voice their concerns over the struggles that had been presented to us during the 2020 Pandemic. It has now grown to an unbelievable family like force of people and resources that continues to put others needs at the forefront of the conversations. Founded on simple principles of Kindness, Sharing, Respect, and Encouragement, our Coffee Connect family strives to learn from each other, learn from our speakers, as well provide intent and purpose to every connection that is made. Join us today and let us make some connections for you.

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