Hispanic Heritage Month Celebration

How is your organization celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month?

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  • Hi Joanna! Our Culture Committee will be sending out weekly emails containing a few short bullets about all countries located in Central and South America, the Caribbean, and Mexico and Spain. Countries that celebrate their independence day during the month will be highlighted. We are also inviting staff (every Friday) to wear colors/article of clothing/accessory, etc., representing the country they are from, that of their ancestors, or one they would like to celebrate/honor. 90% of our staff are either originally from one the celebrated countries or have family/ancestors who are.

    • Alysa Southall
    • Your HR, Hiring and Job Search Partner
    • AlysaSouthall
    • 2 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    I would recommend you ask your employees who would be honored for Hispanic Heritage Month what they would like to see the company do to celebrate. Since they are the ones you are trying to support, it's important to obtain their ideas and buy-in. If possible, continue to do whatever that is past the heritage month since the employees are still with you. It is a way to implement honoring different cultures more than one month per year, but engraining it into the companies culture.

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  • 2 yrs agoLast active
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