American Workforce Enagagement Survey from Jumpstart:HR
(This came to me from Joey Price - Steve)
We launched our first-ever American Workforce Engagement Survey this week, and we'd like you to participate.
Based on the questions asked, it is likely that our data will intersect some meaningful conversations like:
- Are employees "sheltering in place" for now and expecting to leave work en masse once the vaccines make work safer?
- What makes self-employed professionals tick at work?
- What do companies need to get right for employees to be their biggest raving fans?
- If an employer has to choose between an unlimited PTO policy and hiring a project manager, which one will make employees less stressed? Which one will make employees happier?
- Do Americans care more about abolishing poverty more than preventing gun violence?
In exchange for your participation, survey respondents will receive access to a professional development course of the month that addresses one of the topics covered in the survey (value $150).
We'd love to hear the voices of HR professionals such as yourself. I hope you take a few minutes to particpate.
Thanks - Joey