Best Practices/ Policy for Protecting Employee Data

In light of Covid and our company going 100% virtual the way information is shared internally has changed dramatically.  We are working on a global guidance for sharing internal employee data.

Interested in what others are doing/ best practices to provide guidance beyond adding a password to files with personal information and saving information on an encrypted shared drive.  We're exploring Doc Management system, however this is a year + away from approval and want to have a strong interim guidance in place.  

I may have budget to work with a consultant with experience in this area as well. Thanks for any insight/feedback on this. - Valerie

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    • Jim Diebold
    • Providing Clarity through Collaboration
    • Jim_Diebold
    • 4 yrs ago
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    Valerie, I highly recommend a call to Carter Varn. He is a friend and a fractional CIO. At the very least he can steer you in the right direction. Company name Advanced Caliber., 513-548-0140.

    • Jim Diebold
    • Providing Clarity through Collaboration
    • Jim_Diebold
    • 4 yrs ago
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    If you provide your email, I can do an introduction for the 2 of you.

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