Dress Code Dilemma
Our leadership is currently debating whether to change our dress code policy. We are currently "business casual" and do not allow any jeans, tennis shoes, etc. We are looking to hear from other local businesses what your dress code currently is and if you are considering going more relaxed. If you could answer one of the follow and provide any comments or feedback, we would be grateful for the feedback.
A. - Business Attire
B. - Business Casual
C. - Business Casual except Jeans on Fridays
D. - Casual
E. - Other, please explain
Thank you.
Pamela - We don't have a dress code policy. We allow people to wear jeans any day regardless of role. We have Executives who wear jeans the same day where others where slacks or dresses. Eliminating the barrier of dress expectations has improved our culture 100% !! I work for LaRosa's, Inc.
Please note that our pizzerias and bakery have uniforms as part of those roles. That is more of an expectation than a policy.
Hope that helps !! - Steve
Hi, Pamela. My current company has a business casual dress code in our handbook, but it is really directed at our corporate office than our manufacturing or construction offices. I work in a manufacturing office and can dress casual if I want, but I prefer to dress business casual on most days. Employees who work in our manufacturing shop have a list of "do and don't wear this" due to safety concerns.
Pamela, I work for a Care Management Company in Tennessee. Most of our employees are remote workers doing home visits. However, for the office staff, we have a casual environment with the following guidelines: All personnel are required to dress professionally and appropriately during regular business hours while working at the office, or while conducting business on behalf of the Company. Good judgment and taste are always required. Each employee is a representative of the Company in the eyes of our clients and the public, so it is important that each employee report to work properly groomed and wearing appropriate dress. In addition, items of clothing that display sexual or other potentially offensive statements, logos or designs are prohibited. Employees who report to work inappropriately dressed may be asked to leave and return in acceptable attire. Employees whose position is that of a Care Manager are also subject to the dress codes of applicable contracts while visiting clients. Examples of inappropriate attire include, but are not limited to: tattered/torn/worn jeans, shorts, flip-flop sandals, T-shirts, etc.
Pamela, I'll echo Steve's statement. Our employees make their own attire choice daily. Interestingly enough, most people dress like they did when we did have a dress code. We have been dress code free for 3+ years now and everyone loves it. Making the switch was not a problem for us and has been a real morale booster! Good luck! Amy
Hi Pamela!
We had the benefits of being a start up so t-shirts and jeans were the norm. As we grew (I joined around 40 person mark and we're at 250 now!), we found folks were uncomfortable without a policy and new hires would get confused...go figure! We went from no structure to a very loose structure and called it "smart casual" meaning, be smart about what you wear and we get to keep it casual; no shirt, no shoes, no dice. Here are the handbook specifics:
Staff members are expected to maintain the highest standards of personal cleanliness and present a neat, casually professional appearance at all times. Think of our dress code as “smart casual”; be smart about your appearance and we’ll keep it casual.
Whether or not your job responsibilities place you in direct consumer contact, your appearance and actions represent the company. “The properly-attired individual helps to create a favorable image for the company, to the public and fellow staff members.” Loosely translated this means, even though we strive to maintain a professionally casual office environment, this is a workplace, not a Warrant music video.
In the showroom, employees must wear button up shirts or polos. Jeans, slacks, and appropriately lengthed shorts are acceptable. Shoes must be closed-toe; our stockroom likes to grab at toes!
At the end of the day, we are ladies and gentlemen serving ladies and gentlemen so watch how low your pants are slung, always wear shirts with sleeves, and save gym shorts for the gym! All staff members should wear attire that is appropriate for the office and consumer interaction.
We operate a warehouse with an office attached. Warehouse is relaxed (shorts, tshirts, etc. but the office falls under C unless your primary functions place you in the warehouse with regularity. In that event, jeans are acceptable daily and not just Fridays. - Phil Brunner ITOCHU Automobile America Inc