Looking for Worker's Compensation TPA Recommendations

Does anyone have any Worker's Compensation TPA recommendations? I'd like to hear who you use and the pros/cons. We're considering looking at other options. Thanks - Rebecca

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  • I am in the Columbus area, but use the Matrix Company based in Cincinnati.  I use them as the TPA for Workers Comp, Unemployment, and FMLA.  They are awesome!

    If you are interested in partnering with an aggressive risk management company with an innovative approach…you have come to the right place.  Matrix specializes in workers’ compensation claims administration, case management, safety services, investigations and unemployment cost control.

  • thank you

    • Ken Finley
    • Ohio Workers' Comp Guru
    • Ken_Finley
    • 5 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Rebecca - if I may throw our hat in the ring, V+A Risk Services is a TPA in Toledo that provides a personal touch. We truly get to know our clients and their business so when a claim does happen we are ready to assist you in making the best decisions. Our Claims Managers average 18 years in the industry and our Risk Department averages 23 years with V+A., providing in-depth premium forecasting and claim-impact analysis. Oh, and as you can see we are in tune with the HR community. Would love to meet & talk more kfinley@variskservices.com 419.867.1044. Thanks!

    • Frank Gottschall
    • President - Gottschall Consulting Group
    • Frank_Gottschall
    • 5 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    I recommend Jeff Price at Hunter Consulting Company, 513-372-8718, jprice@hunterconsulting.com

  • Hi Rebecca,

    I have used V & A Risk Services in the Toledo area at my 2 previous employers and they do a great job!  Happy to discuss further if you want. 


    Kristie Kraftchick


    (P) 734-529-4304

  • Rebecca,  We use Careworks for both sides of the equation and have found them to be very competent.


    Phil Brunner


  • Rebecca - we use Matrix in Cincinnati as well. They are fabulous - great customer service, very proactive. Give me a call if you have any questions.

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