Job Fair for Veterans in Birmingham, Alabama - 8/17/17

Still Serving Veterans and The Alabama Workforce Training Center (an AIDT Center) are delighted to invited you to register for the Veterans Career Fair, by clicking on ! The importance of hiring veterans cannot be overstated. Veterans bring unique skill sets to the workforce, to include, leadership, global management and strategic thinking. We are hopeful that the men and women attending this event, will exceed your manpower requirements. 

The event is scheduled for August 17th, 2017, from 10 am - 2 pm, employers are asked to arrive at 9:00 am for set-up. The location is 3500 6th Avenue South, Birmingham, Alabama 35222. 

Should you have any questions, please feel free to call Larry Sailes at (205) 612-5292.

Still Serving Veterans thank you, for your commitment to hiring Veterans!

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