Sexual Harassment Training Ideas
I'm looking for suggestions on updating our sexual harassment training. Currently our employees watch the video Sex to Religion from SHRM. It provides good content, but I know when you personalize the training to your company employees will retain it better. I also work at Pure Romance so our industry is of a sexual nature. We have 160 employees (corporate and warehouse). We also have a video team so whatever we do we can video tape it for future employees.
Any out of the box ideas? I'm not sure where to start...
I'd recomend Sadie Healy for in person training. She has developed a coporate sexual harrasment training program that is top notch. Her phone number: 513-317-2203 or her email is shealy@molloyconsultants.com (She is a consultant for Women Helping Women and works with some international family affairs organizations as well)
Also, let me know if you need some additional materials. I am posting this to help anyone who might need these materials. Below are templates for a policy as well as a reporting form. We also have some internal HR documents if anyone is looking to help/remind thier HR Staff on how to react and help to prevent harassment in the workplace.
An excellent local source that has a great class used in several states is:
Workplace Harassment & Abusive Conduct ...it includes :
- Employer's Policy
- Sexual Harassment & Hostile Workplace
- Protected Characteristics
- LGBTQIA Harassment
- Abusive Conduct
- How to Stop Prohibited Behavior
- Recognize & Prevent Retaliation
- Course Knowledge Check
2 Versions are Available and you can bundle it with live training too.
- Employee Version (55 minutes) - includes Core Content modules only
- Leadership Series (120 minutes) - includes Core Content modules and Leadership Series
You may want to email: pmassey@mycagroup.com
Tell her Dr. Vogel sent you... ! Best wishes to your success!
While we are all working together to eliminate all forms of harassment from the work space, we want to continue to support our HR Partners with new ideas and training. This was a recent webinar/training from one of our free resources and wanted to share it with the group.
Here is the webinar playback:
If you have any further questions or need additional resources, please see my posts above or contact me directly. Thank you.