Work-Life Balance Research Study
I am recruiting authentic leaders to participate in a research study.
Would you be willing to take one minute to review my PhD research study criteria below and see if you might be interested in being a participant?
Perhaps you might also know of a leader that might like to participate. If so, would you be willing to provide them with my contact information that is located below?
I am recruiting participants for a new study on work-life balance and leadership. The purpose of this multiple case study is to explore the experiences, attitudes, perceptions, and attributes of managing and sustaining self-care within the work-life balance integration practices of authentic leaders that might lead to a model for other leaders.
To be eligible to participate, individuals will need to
1. score three or higher on the Authentic Leadership Questionnaire (ALQ),
2. have been employed in a leadership position with their current employer for two or more years,
3. manage 10 or more employees,
4. are married and parenting one or more children between one and 18 years of age,
5. score 2.7 - 3.0 on the self-assessment of self-care and work-life balance,
6. are willing to document reflective thoughts three times or more per week for four weeks using an online journal, and
7. reads, writes, and speaks English are eligible.
It is important to understand that you must meet certain eligibility scores on the ALQ and self-care/work-life balance self-assessments. If you do not meet these eligibility qualifications or do not adequately satisfy the other five selection criteria questions, you will not be eligible to participate in the study.
If you are interested in discovering your eligibility status or want additional information, please contact Donnie Hutchinson at 937-510-8960 or
Donnie Hutchinson