Looking for an employee wellbeing group

Hello!  Does anyone know of any employee wellness/wellbeing oriented groups  that meet in the Cincinnati area? 

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  • Hi Emily! What's the objective of the group? I have past coworkers in that area and can reach out to them, but want to make sure I know what you're looking for first. 

    • Emily Davis
    • Manager, Corporate Wellness and Community Engagement
    • Emily_Davis
    • 6 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Hello Samantha and thanks for responding! I was looking for a group that could share ideas and discuss programming successes and challenges.  Nothing too formal,  mainly just meet to share experiences.  I thought there might already be a group like this and I just didn't know about it.

  • That sounds like a great idea! I sent a note to my HR contact nearby and will let you know if she shares any information. Might I recommend local HR or SHRM chapters, that aren’t benefits-specific but will still have groups of HR leaders and specialists who will have helpful information to share? 

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  • 6 yrs agoLast active
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