Your Company’s Purpose – A Key Driver In Talent Acquisition.
What’s the secret behind successful companiesthese days? A strong sense of purpose is good for their business.
Starting and surviving in today’s economy is hard, but the companies that figure it out have something in common: the pursuit of purpose, alongside the pursuit of profit. A purpose mobilizes people in a way that pursuing profits alone never will. For a company to thrive, it needs to infuse its purpose in all that it does.
An organization without purpose manages people and resources, while an organization with purpose mobilizes people and resources. Purpose is a key ingredient for a strong, sustainable, scalable organizational culture. It’s an unseen-yet-ever-present element that drives an organization. It can be a strategic starting point, a product differentiator, and an organic attractor of users and customers.
This week’s guest is Matt Morgan, speaking with me from The Bay area. Matt is the former VP of Employee Experience & Development at Pandora, and the current Head of People at Blend. Blend is a tech startup that is transforming the consumer lending experience.
Today with Matt we will talk about:
– How a company’s purpose (or the now famous Simon Sinek’s “why”) is a key driver in talent acquisition, employee retention and engagement.
– How Blend has scaled up its culture during its rapid growth over the past 5 years.
– What is the place of technology in the employee experience.
– How perks are a reflection of a company’s values, although perks don’t define the culture itself.