Two new Virtual Roundtables Debuting in November 2024

We have two new Virtual groups launching this month - can start now, Dec, or 2025!  We now have 4 in-person groups and 3 virtual groups.  All for SHRM/HRCI credit!

The Basics

Goals of the group are to provide a highly confidential group of supporting HR folks, where members can talk freely, get information, and develop tight, trusting relationships.  Some refer to their groups as “HR Therapy” sessions!

•    Groups meet monthly for 90 minutes – both virtual and in-person groups
•    Groups are limited to 25 per group to develop tight relationships
•    Same people in the same group each month
•    Only 1 person from the same company in the same group (people like to talk about each other or their company!)
•    No competing companies/industries in the same group to maintain confidentiality
•    Members must be internal HR professionals or performing HR functions in their company – no vendors
•    Meetings must be a priority – 80+% attendance. Commitment is key – others are counting on you and your input
•    Meetings are 100% confidential – what is said to the group, stays with the group


•    1.5 SHRM/HRCI recertification credits each month
•    Ability to email your group at any time with questions.  Total confidentiality.
•    Weekly HR Digest – ability to ask your question to ALL Roundtablers; HR info
•    “Small Groups” – for payroll services, multi-state employers, non-profits, etc
•    Annual all-Roundtable group outing to meet/mingle with other Roundtablers and learn new places for company trainings/outings 

Reach out to me for group meeting times and other information. Join us! Darlene Mack, CEO HR Partners Int'l Inc.

Thanks - Darlene

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