Helping Leaders Influence Behavior to Improve Results - Workshop Preview - 6/11/24

ScaleUp Coaching & Consulting LLC is pleased to invite HR practitioners to Influencing Behavior to Improve Results - a complimentary virtual preview of our workshop by the same name, based on the best-selling book, Crucial Influence*.

Organizations are perfectly designed to achieve their results. 

A change in results often requires a change in behavior.

Most leaders are guilty of going with their first instinct when it comes to influencing behavior change, overlooking 5 other sources of influence that are key to changing behavior. In fact, leaders go with their first instinct so often that there is a name for this tendency.

The Influencing Behavior to Improve Results workshop was designed to teach leaders about the Six Sources of Influence framework introduced in Crucial Influence, to set them up for success when influencing behavior change.

This framework is a simple, but effective way to learn about human behavior and how to influence it, without needing an in-depth psychology lesson.

Leaders leave the workshop with a practical approach and tools they can apply immediately.

What to Expect During the Workshop Preview?

  • A 60-minute virtual meeting with HR practitioners who experience the common need to drive change in their organizations (or to educate other leaders about how to do so).
  • A non-salesy preview of ScaleUp's Influencing Behavior to Improve Results workshop that enables leaders to methodically plan for behavior changes needed to achieve better results.
  • An overview of the Six Sources framework, the workshop agenda, must-have vs. customizable workshop elements, and Q&A.
  • The first 5 attendees to register will receive a copy of Crucial Influence.

When is the Workshop Preview?

ScaleUp is hosting this virtual preview on June 11th from 10:00 - 11:00 am CST.

How can I attend?

We look forward to seeing you at the Workshop Preview. You can register here.

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