Civility in The Workplace Training

Hello everyone!

I am looking for training on civility in the workplace. Would anyone know of a free training resource I could use, such as a video or a power point presentation?

Thank you for your assistance. - Derek

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  • I have a colleague who has developed great materials based on the Dignity model, developed by Prof. Donna Hicks, from Harvard. This model is about the role that dignity versus respect plays in interpersonal relations. I am not sure if she is sharing her work for free but I can put you in touch with her if you want. feel free to contact me if interested. Josh.

  • Hi Derek, it's great to meet you. It looks like there are a few YouTube resources out there that could be a starting place for content. Clark Schaefer Strategic HR could certainly jump in with content for you. Happy to discuss further,

  • I just created my own presentation about Civility and respectful communication and will share if you are interested in doing this training yourself.

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  • 3 mths agoLast active
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