Employee safety when returning to work- touch less time clock with temperature monitoring

(I thought this could be a useful resource/tool for HR Netters, so I said it was okay for Ryan to post this so you have the information. Thanks - Steve)
Hey everyone! Ascentis has just launched what could be the long term answer to a question many of you are asking right now.
How do we get back to work while helping to ensure the safety of our employees?
Many states are setting guidelines to return to work. Governer DeWine has been quoted in an article saying companies need to be looking at staggered shifts and taking employee temperatures.
Yesterday Ascentis announced a first of it's kind technology we are calling Care Point. A multi purpose time and attendance system with touchless capability and thermal temperature monitoring.
I've attached some info and a quick video link below. If you think this technology may help you and your company return to work and protect employee safety, please feel free to post below if you have any questions. Glad to help you.