2020 Ohio SHRM HR Conference is Virtual! 9/22/20 - 9/24/20

The 2020 Ohio SHRM HR Conference is virtual! Join us September 22-24, 2020 - register today at: OhioSHRMHRC.org The virtual platform offers engaging speaker content, "live" chat, networking opportunities, a virtual exhibit hall and....32.5 re-certification credits! Due to the virtual platform you have access to view all the sessions offered after the conference. You never have to miss a session, this is a tremendous value! Visit our website for the full schedule at: OhioSHRMHRC.org #OHSHRM20 #HRCommunity #Leadership #PastPresentFuture2020

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  • Hi Julie - will there be emails and/or paper notifications about the virtual conference going out to attendees from last year? I haven't seen anything yet in either format.

    Thanks, Lisa Rettig

    • Lisa Rettig Hello Lisa,

      Yes, there is a registration mailer that you should receive in the mail soon. We sent this out much later than usual because we were waiting to make the decision on the conference going 100% virtual. You can find out more by visiting the website at OhioSHRMHRC.org. I have also attached a digital copy of the registration mailer that was mailed out.

      Thanks you for reaching out!

      Take care,


  • Thanks Julie!

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