Hiring Option Recommendations

We will be hiring ~100+ hourly workers starting in January and I am looking for an efficient and cost effective method to use for hiring, potentially even virtually, that provides a positive experience for the candidate.  Does anyone have recommendations? Have you used HireVue?  Any feedback would be appreciated.

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    • Jeffrey Shaprio
    • Senior Director of Talent Acquisition
    • Jeffrey_Shaprio
    • 4 yrs ago
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    I'm slightly confused. Are you looking to outsource the interview process or the on boarding experience? 

    Is there a recruitment plan in place with an in-house team capable of delivering this large of an ask? What I've seen too many times, is..... TA delivers but the org has not thought about the bandwidth of corp training resources. Assuming there is a learning team? This leads to the inability to accommodate cohorts of new hires with specific start dates. 

      • Kimberly Eppert
      • Director, Human Resources
      • Kimberly_Eppert
      • 4 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      Jeffrey Shaprio  I am currently a department of one, adding a HR Manager soon and eventually a payroll person. I am working to create the most manageable process for us and a good experience for candidates. I am looking for ideas on applicant tracking systems and virtual interview platforms.  I am considering contracting the on boarding process (offer letters, collecting I-9 information, entering into the payroll system, etc.).   I'm curios if others had a mass hiring situation and how they handled it.

  • Kim,

    We'd be happy to talk with you about the scope and expectations for your recruiting need.  We have several very personable and engaging recruiters who are efficient and thorough.  We can use your applicant tracking system if you have one, or recommend one for this effort.  Our team is pro-active in responding to all legitimate inquiries.  

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