Exempt Employee working PT in an Hourly Position


My organization currently does not allow an FT-exempt employee to work an hourly position.

However, I know it can be done and am wondering if any of you are willing to share the process your company uses to allow this.

Thank you,


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  • Hi Callie- I have seen it done where the employee was placed on a temp assignment in that position, and then they were paid hourly since they were technically in that role. 

  • We typically do not allow this, however, on occasion, have made exceptions where FT-exempt employees have also worked PT hourly positions.  We simply pay them their salary and then whatever hourly work they do.

    As long as their combined duties still qualify them for the exempt status,  you can pay them their salary, plus the hourly rate for their other work and not have to worry about overtime (unless their other hourly work is over 40 per week).  Do you have any specific questions?

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