COVID 19 From A to Z - 11/11/21

The Covid-19 legislation is changing every day but appears to be reaching some resolution very soon, so we are moving our First Thursdays seminar to NEXT THURSDAY, Nov 11th, from 3:00pm - 4:30pm.   Moving our date for this month only, we felt it is better to get ACTUAL info instead of what MIGHT be.

Join Jeff Shoskin and Jenny Rulon from Frost Brown Todd on this Zoom Webinar, to review both the Federal Contractor Guidelines and the new OSHA ETS due out any moment now. Also covered will be the medical and religious vaccination exemption request. Moving First Thursdays to next week will give all of us time to review and digest the new OSHA ETS and craft any questions you may have.

To register, go to our website; click on HR Education, First Thursdays, and scroll to the bottom of the page. Or reach out to Darlene Mack;

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