2017 Northern Ohio Human Resources Conference: Out Hustle, Out Work, Out Think, Out Play - 3/9/17 - 3/10/17

Thursday, March 9th, 1 PM - 5 PM: Half Day Workshop

Friday, March 10th, 7 AM - 4:45 PM: Full Day Conference



I-X Center

1 I-X Center Dr.

Cleveland, OH 44135


Steve Browne will be the Thursday afternoon workshop speaker! His topic is “HR on Purpose !! - 5 Ways to Own, Lead and Integrate HR throughout your Organization.”


On Friday, Rick Lozano, a thought leader in Talent Development, will be the opening Keynote. Rick's presentation is titled - "Sell Out The Stadium! Create Raving Fans and Engaged Audiences!"


And, don't miss the luncheon Keynote Speaker - Connie Dieken. Connie will present "Talk Less, Say More: The Influence Illusion: How to Unleash the Influential Presence You're Meant to Be."


In addition to these presentations, there is a fantastic line-up of concurrent sessions throughout the conference on Friday!


Registration options include both days; Thursday-only; or Friday-only.

To learn more about the speakers and their presentations, and to get registered for NOHRC 2017, please visit nohrc.org!  By attending, you can expect to learn, network, earn credits, and have fun while attending Northeast Ohio's premier HR Conference.

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