HELP! Does Anyone Have an HR Audit Checklist/Report?

Hello to all:

I am searching for an all-inclusive auditing checklist/report to audit the HR Functions/HR Managers in various locations within the US to ensure the company is in compliance with Federal, State, Employment and workplace laws.

I found books, articles and general information but not a specific tool to use for an audit. Right now, I am researching various government sites and HR sites trying to put everything in one spot.

I would greatly appreciate any help, advice or tools that you can share.

Thank you!


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    • Ryan Mount
    • Employee Benefits Specialist
    • Ryan_Mount
    • 7 yrs ago
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    Maria - I do have a Department of Labor Checklist and packet which are extremely helpful.  What is an email address that I can send you that information? 

  • Ryan Mount 

    Hi Ryan-

    That would be awesome. My email is and phone is 217-592-6146.

    Thank you!


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  • 7 yrs agoLast active
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