Looking for a COBRA Adminstrator and also someone for Compensation Analysis

(This post came to me anonymously - Steve)

We are moving our Payroll and HR from ADP to another vendor.  Unfortunately, some features will be lost.  I’d like to have ideas for:

  • Full-service COBRA administrators
  • Compensation analysis tools/software. 

Can anyone suggest any partners for either need?  Thanks for any suggestions.

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    • Kathleen Crawford
    • Employee Benefit Plan Managers & Advisors
    • Kathleen_Crawford
    • 5 yrs ago
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    They are welcome to call me Steve and i can ask the questions to get them to the right resources 513-298-4103.   But Chard Snyder does a nice job locally with Cobra administration.

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  • As Kathleen Crawford mentioned, Chard Snyder is the go to for COBRA administration and for compensation help, I'd highly recommend Scott Schreiber with RSC Advisory Group ( scott.schreiber@rscadvisorygroup.com ).


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    • Ryan Mount
    • Employee Benefits Specialist
    • Ryan_Mount
    • 5 yrs ago
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    Custom Design Benefits for COBRA Administration!  They are partners of ours and make the process extremely easy.  And if the company is based in Cincinnati, also nice to work with a local company! 

  • We use Employee Benefits Corp for FSA and Cobra admin. They are located in Milwaukee.

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