International Travel Safety

Does anyone have an international travel policy as it relates to safety in light of terrorism and social/political unrest?  Not an insurance policy, an HR policy. Thanks!

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  • We do not. However, as a veteran I've had to travel to many countries and we had to be briefed on each location we traveled to or through. Utilize this link to the Department of State ( and it will provide detailed information for traveling abroad. In particular, you can look up Travel Advisories for any particular area. If it's business travel, I'd recommend a short policy that states "the need to travel has been verified by the supervisor and there are no travel restrictions. Employee has been briefed on foreign travel requirements" per the DOS web site and/or company requirements. I'd then have the employee sign an acknowledgment form of understanding. As in all cases, have your legal team review. For private travel, I'd still have them review the DOS site.

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  • 8 yrs agoLast active
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