Chicagoland Employee Benefit Symposium - 10/3/18

This year, there will be three new speakers, covering topics that are relevant to many HR and Finance executives. 

Topics Include:

  • A New Age of Benefits: Key Healthcare Trends and Benefits Strategies You Need to Know

    Michael Telesky, UnitedHealthcare
    Kevin Gregory, Health Action Council

    • Recent healthcare trends − a carrier’s perspective
    • Key drivers of healthcare costs and strategies to control these costs
    • Promoting collaboration among health-related stakeholders
  • Do Sweat the Small Stuff: Little Employer Mistakes that can Lead to Big Trouble

    Sarah E. Flotte & Brian P. Paul, Michael Best & Friedrich LLP

    • How to avoid discrimination claims with your recruitment methods, employment applications and interview questions
    • Strategies for navigating common leave issues and concerns
    • How to create documentation that will help ensure you are not violating your own policies
  • Key Compliance Topics That Employers Should be Addressing Now

    Danielle Capilla, Alera Group

    • Affordability tricks and pitfalls for applicable large employers
    • How to manage qualifying event changes
    • Plan Documents: are yours in order?

A video of all presentations will be available after the event. If interested in receiving the recordings, send a quick note to me at .

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