Success Strategies for First-Time People Leaders - Complimentary Webinar - 3/12/24

Do you have emerging leaders in your organization? 

Please share the following opportunity with emerging leaders you know who are looking for career development opportunities...

I'm pleased to be presenting Emerging Leaders: Success Strategies for First-Time People Leaders as part of a complimentary webinar series offered by Roosevelt University next Tuesday, March 12th at 12:00 pm CST.

I will talk about the mindset shift when transitioning from individual contributor to people leader, as well as strategies and practices related to professional development, where and how you spend your time, relationship management, and more.

This webinar is ideal for professionals who will be or have recently transitioned into their first people leader role, or anyone returning to people leadership following a break.

Link to register: Lifelong Learning | Emerging Leaders: Success Strategies for First-Time People Leaders - Roosevelt University

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