Fun Ideas for Safety Initiative

We're looking to do a safety initiative this year.  In the past we did a sort of "Safety Bingo" where people who are practicing safe habits, earn stickers to place on their Bingo card.

Would love some other ideas of fun, engaging activities or challenges that would raise safety awareness.  Thanks for sharing!

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  • Hi Grace!! I come from heavy industrial construction background and safety is our core. We did a project once where each craft spelled a letter of safety using their medium (electric wire, wood, pipe, lumbar, concrete) depending on their trade.  We spelled "Safety" and made a board behind it that stated "today I am working safe for" and everyone brought in picture of their family members.  It was epic how big the letters were and we all walked past the board each day on our way to work.  Safest job site I've been on to date. Can't walk past your kids in the morning and spend the rest of the day being disengaged safety wise...

    My mother is a safety director and I can connect you with her for ideas if you'd like! 

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  • Love that idea!  Not only is it a fun team project but also brings the personal touch of family into the work environment!

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  • 6 mths agoLast active
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