Corporate Recruiting Challenges for 2023

Corporate Recruiters - I would love your feedback for an upcoming workshop!

In 22 years of talent acquisition and high-volume recruiting, I saw it all:

  • Worker shortage from 1990-2000
  • The recession in 2008 that caused uncertainty leading to layoffs, pumping the brakes as the dust settled, and more applicants than the company needed or could handle.
  • The 2020 pandemic that also caused initial layoffs and furloughs, followed by uncertainty and what could only be described as tentative hiring.
  • That led to The Great Resignation and an employees' market of emerging entrepreneurs in 2021, a rise in the gig economy, and employers scrambling to try to catch up—and frequently falling short.

With rumors of recession in the air (or not, depending on the day), what are your current challenges as a Corporate Talent Acquisition Manager, Hiring Manager, or Corporate Recruiter?

If there were a silver bullet, what recruiting problem would it solve for you in 2023?

  • Worker Shortage 
  • DEI Recruitment 
  • Hiring Manager training (please share details, if possible)
  • Other (please share details)

Thanks for any input you can give/share - Nichole

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