Mindfulness plus Nutrition= Stop Smoking
You’ve seen the study from OSU. Each smoker costs an employer $6000 per year. Yet so many companies choose ineffective methods to help their employees quit.
Here’s some data for 6 month quit rates: (don’t be fooled by data from shorter time periods)
- Nicotine replacement (NRT)=3-5%
- NRT + physician suggestion =6-10%
- Chantix =12-14%
- A study from Harvard researcher Jud Brewer comparing a mindfulness approach to the American Lung Association’s gold standard revealed the mindfulness approach to be 5x more effective. At the end of this study the ALA approach was equivalent to your employee simply walking into a drugstore and purchasing NRT products themselves. Did you pay for this approach?!
What can I offer? The Sit to Quit intervention developed at Duke has a six month quit rate of almost 33%. PLUS I’ve partnered with Ashley Koff, the CEO of The Better Nutrition Program to add nutritional support to this mindfulness based program.
Could your employees benefit from quitting smoking? Of course.
Could your employees benefit —and the company benefit— from them learning mindfulness skills? Absolutely!
And to top that off, they will begin to eat better.
This program is available for individuals and groups—all materials and personal coaching is online. Always has been.
The stress of COVID-19 has many people smoking (and drinking —I can help with that too) more than they were six months ago.
Insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results. Get different results. Get better results. Better results that help your company with more than just the bottom line.
Let’s talk.
Mark Levine, Founder of Minds at Peace LLC