Performance Management Systems

We currently use an in-house, paper-based annual review system.  We have around 900 employees.  We're interested in moving to an on-line system, and we're willing to entertain options other than the traditional annual review.  Please tell me about your experiences with any 3rd-party or in-house solutions you're using. Thanks.

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  • Hi, Jim, We use PageUp for our ATS and they also have a review module that you can set up on your own timing. We inquired about it and love them as an ATS because of their flexibility, and almost went with them for the Review system, but cost won out and we ended up with a home grown system. I'd encourage you to check them out.

  • Jackie Messersmith Jackie:  Thanks, I will definitely take a look.

  • Michelle Foster 


    Michelle:  Thanks for the advice.  I will take a look.

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  • 7 yrs agoLast active
  • 4Replies
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