GETDOT Cincy Thursday, Sept 21 5:30 - 7:00 PM Crowne Plaza, Blue Ash, Pfeiffer Road

Good Excuse To Donate On Thursday

Every month GETDOT Cincinnati gets together to provide a place for people to meet with a cause in mind.

GETDOT Cincinnati will be featuring Sweet Cheeks Diaper Bank on Thursday, September 21st. Come on by, network and help make a difference!

Sweet Cheeks Diaper Bank (SCDB) was founded in October 2015 and has provided over 300,000 diapers to over 1000 Greater Cincinnati area (GCA) children. These 1000 children equate to less than 7% of the 16,000 children in our region experiencing diaper need.

SCDB's mission is to eliminate the existence of diaper need in our community so that all babies have a chance to be healthy, happy, and safe.

The admission to attend is a donation to Sweet Cheeks Diaper Bank. In return, you are given door prize ticket(s) for a chance to win one of the donated door prizes. Every penny raised will go towards Sweet Cheeks Diaper Bank.

First-time guests receive an extra raffle ticket when they purchase raffle tickets, bring a door prize and an additional raffle ticket for every first-time guest you bring.

GETDOT welcomes anyone at any level and in all professions.

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